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How we saved a company over £1000 a year

At StudioRav we believe in simple and clear business. There are so many webdesign, online marketing and SEO companies out there that sometimes you just don’t know where to start. Well how about if we could save your business over a £1000 a year?

We contacted West Heath Glass last year regarding their website. Based in Birmingham, WH Glass have been providing glass products to their customers for over 30 years. Through our initial discussions we were astonished to find out how much they were paying for their website management.

Now website management is quite a broad term but at StudioRav we believe it covers:

  • Hosting
  • Updating the website
  • Website troubleshooting
  • SEO

In addition to this we really love building great business relationships so if you have any general enquiries or just want a chat we’re always available.

Although the guys at WH Glass already had a WordPress website we were able to transfer it over to our servers, tidy up some errors on it and have it live within a couple of days. There was no downtime and we worked with them to make sure they weren’t double charged for website fees.

The guys at WH Glass have been so impressed with our service that they provided us with the following testimonial:

Since turning to StudioRav we have not only saved a considerable amount of money per year, but they have always been on hand to provide us with great support across the board. WH Glass

How come we’re so cheap?

The simplest reason is lower overheads. By saving money and managing our own costs we can pass on those savings to you. That doesn’t mean our work is lower quality however – building professional quality websites is what we do.

So if you think you’re paying too much for your website management and you want a realistic quote then give us a call on 07807 997 010 or write to us at info@studiorav.co.uk