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How to start on an eCommerce website

We’ve recently completed a job for new make up brand SK Lip Pouts and we asked owner Shari King on her thoughts and feedback on working on an ecommerce website. If you’re thinking of opening a new online store then here’s some of her advice for you:

“Do one thing at a time”

Building an ecommerce site is a very demanding job because there’s a lot to think about such as tax, shipping costs, photography etc. Therefore it makes your life a lot easier if you concentrate on one thing at a time and not try to do lots of things at once. By ticking off one page at at time you can make sure you give it the full attention it deserves before moving to the next thing.

“Know what you want”

Your online shop is your shopfront to the world so you need to know how you want it. Your designer will have lots of ideas and can help you with this, but if you’re not happy give yourself time and then come back to them with your suggestions.

“Be excited about it”

Don’t rush your site but at the same time make sure it doesn’t fall down your list of priorities as you build it. The design process can take months and months so you need to have the energy to keep coming back to it and have the passion to get it finished.

“Work with someone you can trust”

Being able to rely on your designer is very important because it needs to be someone who can understand your vision whilst also giving honest feedback on the pros and cons of your ideas. It helps if that person is local and you can sit with them when you have time as it’s easier to talk for 2 hours face to face rather than on the phone.

“Get a complete service”

There’s lots to think about when putting your website together so if you can get someone who can provide everything it will make your life considerably easier. This could be photography, graphics design, hosting and managing the website and marketing.

“Start on social media before you go live”

Getting your website live is only part of the sales process – you need to create a buzz for your products early on and social media is a great way to do this. Get people excited about your products and your impending website before it goes live. Also, don’t lose customers by telling them to wait for the website in a few months – if you can make a sale now then do it!

SK Lip Pouts is already generating a lot of buzz on social media and the new website looks amazing.

If you’re looking at setting up your own eCommerce website then get in touch with us and find out if you’re eligible for a free demo!